Changing lives through character-based scholarships

The Foundation

Investing in Young Lives

Sometimes a student’s journey to higher learning has roadblocks. Chief among them is the steep financial burden. Rising costs at universities, community colleges, and trade schools have put these educational opportunities out of reach for many students.
Determined to meet this challenge and make a positive difference for USA DeBusk families, the management team responded with a transformative vision: investing in young lives.
Out of this vision grew an innovative scholarship foundation, a dedicated board of directors, an enthusiastic volunteer staff, and an exceedingly generous group of donors.

The Taylor Whitley USA DeBusk Scholarship Foundation

in 2021, Andrew DeBusk, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of USA DeBusk, announced the formation of the Taylor Whitley USA DeBusk Scholarship Foundation.
The mission of this 501(c)(3) non-profit organization is to award character-based grants and scholarships to children of USA DeBusk employees attending universities, community colleges, and trade schools.
Scholarships support academic excellence and recognize outstanding character. We celebrate students who exemplify the philosophy of “Showing Up” — the extraordinary act of making a difference in someone else’s life by valuing them more than yourself.
"There is no greater joy or satisfaction than positively impacting someone’s life," said Andrew DeBusk. "We hope the success of the foundation is generational. The USA DeBusk management team intends to remain involved with the foundation, and ensure it is a sustainable, integral part of our company - indefinitely."

A Fast Start. An Ongoing Impact.

Thanks to the generosity of donors and volunteers, the Foundation has achieved extraordinary growth. During the 2023-2024 academic year, the Foundation awarded 39 scholarships totaling $302,000.
"We are excited about the progress we have made with the foundation in such a short time," said Andrew DeBusk. "That success is due to the broad support from our donors, management team, and owners of the company."
The Foundation will be able to positively impact even more lives in the coming academic cycle with a record-breaking $511,000 contributed during this year's fundraising efforts.
Since 2021, the Foundation has raised $1.6 million and awarded scholarships to a total of 49 deserving recipients. We have established a goal of funding $2 million in scholarships through 2028.