Past Foundation Scholars
Following are former recipients of scholarships from The Taylor Whitley USA DeBusk Employee Scholarship Foundation who have now achieved their goals of professional certifications, undergraduate degrees, or graduate degrees. We congratulate them for their hard work and perseverance. We're excited to see the positive difference they will make as they bring their "Show Up" character to their professions and communities.
Best wishes to all in their next stage of life and thank you for letting us be a part of your journey!

Ashtyn Broom
Louisiana State University
Masters in Library Science

Emily Castro
University of Texas at Austin
Family Studies & Human Development

Jacob Castro
Southeastern University

Dafne DeLeon
University of Texas Rio Grand Valley

Elizabeth Hagan
University of Nevada-Reno
Public Health

Omar Muniz
University of Texas at Austin

Arianna Navarette
University of Texas at Austin

Imanol Pena
University of Houston

Isela Rodrigez
University of Redlands California
Masters of Science in Organizational Leadership

Sara Wesley
American Academy
Medical Billing